Vision & Mission

VISION: Nurturing communities of Irish researchers

IrishRSA supports the development of Irish HEI research staff associations
(RSA) by:

  •  facilitating communication between the RSA and
  • sharing of best practices of research careers

IrishRSA plays an important role in the Irish research enterprise by enhancing the productivity and experiences of Irish research staff, postdoctoral scholars, and early-career researchers, who together are the lifeblood of the Irish research enterprise.

MISSION: Providing a voice for Irish research staff and postdoctoral scholars

Researchers are a highly mobile part of the Irish research enterprise. Policy concerning research careers in Ireland is determined through a variety of policy stakeholders. These consist of:

  • Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (FHERIS)
  • Irish University Association (IUA)
  • Higher Education Authority (HEA)
  • Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)
  • Irish Research Council (IRC)

At present, there is no voice representing research staff in Irish policy determining research careers in Ireland. The Irish Research Staff Association (IrishRSA) will provide this collective voice, advocate on behalf of research staff and postdoctoral scholars, and inform policy stakeholders on best practice research policy; both national and international. The mission of IrishRSA is to expand its network among existing Irish university researcher associations, as well as reach out to other national RSA (e.g. UKRSA) as well as the International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICoRSA), of which IrishRSA is a member. Importantly, IrishRSA wants to sow the seeds of formation of new university associations and technology institutes where RSA do not yet exist.